
Cellular Developments Ltd

Nyewood Industries
GU31 5HA
United Kingdom

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Cellular Developments Limited are manufacturers of rubber mouldings, sponge rubber products, sponge and solid rubber extrusions, rubber to metal bondings, rubber seals, thermoplastic mouldings, tubes and extrusions, bellows, industrial mouldings, gaskets and cord. Technically based we offer advice and service to designers and engineers on materials and manufacturing processes and provide solutions to problems involving all rubber products. With our in-house tooling facility we can offer fast prototypes and production quantities, and assist with development projects, and produce products to BS EN ISO 9001-2000. We provide high quality products to the automotive, construction, industrial, electronics, white goods and nuclear industries. We produce mouldings in all polymer types, and offer technical assistance in polymer choice. We manufacture at our premises in Nyewood, Hampshire, UK.



Registration Number: 01702176
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:24 February, 1983 (41 years and 3 months ago)
No of Employees: 21-50
Annual Turnover: n/a
UK Branches: BS EN ISO 9001-2008


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