
Norsound Ltd

13 Chamberlayne Road
Bury St. Edmunds
IP32 7EY
United Kingdom

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Norsound is a leading manufacturer of pure acoustic seals. We design, develop, manufacture and distribute our custom-designed and industry-leading acoustic door seals. Our products meet all kinds of business regulations while embracing sleek and modern designs that are easy to install and last a long time. And our business relies on longstanding industry partnerships and client relationships: we are committed to product quality and customer care. We only manufacture high-quality products, with the highest grade of materials, and rigorously tested. And we offer this test evidence to our clients whenever requested. We also sell our products with easy-to-follow installation instructions and top after-sales support. Please contact us or visit our website for details.

NOR810 Automatic Drop Seal

Our NOR810 seal is a BS 476: Part 31:1 smoke seal compliant product, built as an automatic drop down seal, with a lightweight self-levelling mechanism. The NOR810 is good for at least 100,000 usage cycles. The spring-loaded product’s benefits include sound reduction, smoke protection, lightweight operation, self-levelling, an ultra-soft silicon bubble, and an unobtrusive design. Please visit our website for technical details.

NOR810S Automatic Drop Seal

The NOR810S is a smaller version of our leading NOR810 product. And in addition to the NOR810’s BS 476: Part 31:1 smoke seal compliance rating and lightweight self-levelling features, the NOR810S features the same sound reduction and smoke protection, along with a screw fix and a 12mm maximum drop. Please visit our website for technical details.

NOR810dB+ Automatic Drop Seal

Our NOR810db+ is built in the same class as the NOR810 acoustic seal. But in addition to BS 476: Part 31:1 smoke seal compliance rating and lightweight self-levelling features, the NOR810db+ features the same sound reduction, smoke protection, and unobtrusive design, as its sibling products, and the same 100,000 usage cycle testing. The NOR810dB+ also adjusts to the necessary gap size and can keep out drafts and keep in warmth – as well as keeping out noise. Please visit our website for technical details.

NOR710 Perimeter Seal

Our NOR710 perimeter seal is a revolutionary retro-fit sealing product that increases the acoustic performance of a standard fire-rated door. Our dual air pocked technology, which we developed on the same principles as triple glazing, allows for this industry-leading acoustic performance. The NOR710 also boasts BS 476 Part 31:1 smoke seal capabilities and cannot be affected by door fittings such as hinges and latches. And the NOR710 is rated for a staggering 1,000,000 opening and closing cycles. The product is also designed with the standard smoke reduction and with stylish ultra-smooth blades. Please visit our website for technical details.

NOR720 Perimeter Seal

The NOR720 perimeter seal is a tiny seal but with a big reduction in decibels. This seal is a mere 5mm wide – and, when fitted, only 4.2mm of acoustic seal blades are visible. The product therefore has a subtle finish without compromising acoustic performance. The product also boasts BS 476 Part 31:1 smoke seal capabilities and is rated for 1,000,000 opening and closing cycles. And the NOR720 is also designed with the standard smoke reduction and with stylish ultra-smooth blades. Please visit our website for technical details.

NOR620 Threshold Plate

Our NOR620 threshold plate is made from strong T6060-grade aluminium and anodised to a high standard. This plate proves a level platform for our acoustic seals – the level plate then ensures better noise attenuation with your overall sealing solution. We can offer the NOR620 with “invisible” fixing and a low profile installation. And the product is Document “M” compliant. Please visit our website for technical details.



Registration Number: 06404784
VAT Number: GB661 8300 88
Registered at Companies House:19 October, 2007 (16 years and 7 months ago)
No of Employees: 11-20
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer
  • Distributor

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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Additional Information

Brand & Trade Names

  • Norsound Acoustic Seals, Threshold Plates, Drop Down Seals, Letterboxes, Hinges

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